How it Works
Employer: How to post a new job listing
Creating an account with Jobsrar has been made as simple as possible.
From the main menu, select "Join Us", and then select the "Employer" tab. Otherwise, select the "Employer" tab from the below registration form. Fill in the requested information and after Sign Up, an email with your credentials will be sent automatically to the email address provided, in order to be able to Login in Jobsrar site.
In order to login to your account, select "Sign In" from the main menu and after authentication, you will be presented with your Employer dashboard.
You can now proceed to create your company profile. Upload your company logo and company banner cover (not mandatory), all the respective company information, such as description, category, social networking and contact information.
This helps the candidate / jobseekers understand your business and also lets them contact you by email through Jobsrar Portal.
Once the company profile is populated, you can now proceed to post your job listing. Select "Post a New Job" from your dashboard and fill in the requested information. Once done, click "Next" and you will be presented with the available Job Packages and also an option to make your Job Featured.
All Jobs Listing can be upgraded to Featured for an additional fee of 5 Euro only. By making a specific job featured it will increase exposure for your job vacancy by being visible on Jobsrar home page and on top of all job vacancies. It will be also posted on our Facebook page. A prime location to enhance more views.
Select a package or/and Featured Listing and select payment method to proceed to checkout. If Paypal payment gateway is choosen make sure that you don't abandon the order before making the payment.
Otherwise you will need to start again from the beginning because the order will remain "Pending" while the listing will remain "Awaiting Activation".
If you already bought a Package from the main menu, you can choose that package, which will be marked as "Already Purchased". Your Job listing will be posted to Jobsrar portal in real-time.
Please check and make sure that "Application Deadline Date" is setup with a future date. A candidate can't apply for the job listing after the submitted "Application Deadline Date" is expired.
Once a job vacancy expires, it will be automatically removed from the job portal and can't be accessed by job seekers until one will post that vacancy again.
Employers can manage their job vacancies from the Employer Dashboard. In this section employer can edit jobs (make changes) / Update jobs and delete previously added jobs. One can also view applications received against each particular job vacancy and also the ability to download applicant CV, contact applicant, view resume and much more.
Once a job vacancy expires, it will be automatically removed from the job portal and can't be accessed by job seekers until one will post that vacancy again.
Candidate: How to apply for a job listing
Creating an account with Jobsrar has been made as simple as possible.
From the main menu, select "Join Us", and then select the "Candidate" tab. Otherwise select the "Candidate" tab from the below registration form. Fill in the requested information and after Sign Up, an email with your credentials will be sent automatically to the email address provided, in order to be able to Login in Jobsrar site.
In order to login into your account, select "Sign In" from the main menu and after authentication, you will be presented with your dashboard.
You can now proceed to create your profile. Upload your image and a banner cover (not mandatory), all the respective information, such as description, category, social networking and contact information.
Once done, you can now proceed with your resume information.
This helps the employers understand who you are since once you apply for your dream job, your profile/resume, CV and Cover Letter will be accessible to the mentioned employer and they will also have the facility to contact you by email through Jobsrar Portal.
Now that your basic profile is created, you can now proceed with your resume. Insert all the respective information such as education, experience, portfolio, skills etc. Once done, you can upload your CV from "CV & Cover letter" tab.
Please note that all this information will be available only to those employers that you had applied for their job vacancy.
You can now proceed to apply for different jobs that are listed on Jobsrar portal while also you will have the facility to contact an employer by email through Jobsrar portal too.
Please note that once you apply for your dream job, your profile/resume, CV and Cover Letter will be available to those employers that you had applied for their job vacancy.
Now one can also apply for your dream job without registering a candidate account. By clicking on the "Apply Now" button, one will be presented with an option to apply for the job vacancy by just filling up a form and attaching CV to it.
Register an employer account, create your company's profile and start publish awesome job offers.Signing up & creating your company profile is free!
Register a candidate account, create your resume, upload your CV and apply for your dream job.All of the above is free!